
Campeonatos de España

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El desván




The articles of Eugene Salomon

         Born in Gijon, as Juan Eugenio Salomon Rugarcia (always called Eugenio), he has been -for the last 58 years- J. Eugene Salomon (better known as Gene Salomon). He played and interacted with Alexander Alekhine in 1944 and today, almost 75 years later, we can share with him his memories of those distant days in Spain as well as his subsequent life experiences in Cuba and in the U.S. Gene Salomon was one of the most promising youngsters in the Spanish chess scene of the 1940's. Circumstances of life did not permit him to fulfill his potential. He left Spain in 1947 to relocate in his mother's birth country-Cuba, where he had to abandon chess due to the pressures of having to work while going to Havana University Engineering School. In 1960, Gene left Cuba for the U.S. In 1968, after 16 years of complete absence from the chess world, he returned to the Tournament circuit where he never reached the original expectations but still had a new 30 years career with some colorful experiences. He writes about his memories

Get to know Gene Salomon

         Eugene Salomon chess career in Spain was brilliant but short. It was interrupted when at age 19 he left Madrid for Havana and his multiple activities over the Board, while lasting several decades were too far away, the other side of the Atlantic, so we lost track of him. His surfacing in Spain in 2016 through the social press was a surprise. Putting together his rich history was a pleasant task. We were able to launch the project thanks to the book that Eugene and his two "chess buddies" (Wayne Conover and Steve Pozarek) wrote under the title: " 40 Years of Friendship -100 Games of Chess". The original book (both as an E-Book and under the "Forward Chess" format) was written in English. With the authors permission we translated it into Spanish so that we could publish it through the Internet for the benefit of our readers. In addition, the writer Miguel Angel Nepomucenohas published a series of articles about Gene in the prestigeus "Zenda/libros" site. Following are the links to all this material:


Articles by Miguel Angel Nepomuceno:  



Download 166 games of Eugene Salomon

Eugene Salomon's history is beyond frontiers

         Evidently Eugene's life is much more than his interaction with Alekhine. It has been the long journey of a chess  player with a colorful story worth telling. No wonder that foreign chess magazines have shown interest in his articles

Some mentions in chess magazines and newspapers



Un puzzle al que le faltan piezas

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